Interviewer's Revenge
by Asmodeus

Recently the entire world has been ablaze because of a printed interview with one of the mysterious swallowers which until now were thought to be nothing but a legend . Even with the interview many people still don't believe in them and why would they ? The Interview contains only words and no one knows what happend to the interviewer or the mysterious swallower .

With this we open on a stormy night inside a well kept home . The storm continues outside but that does not seem to concern a somewhat small statured young man who's sitting on a leather couch . He's watching a news report on TV where they are just discussing the subject of swallowers .

Young man: Hah they'll never find any of us . How could they , we look just like everyone else . The ones that get to know of my powers also get a trip into my stomach in the process .

The young man turns off the TV , he seems quite amused by the news report .

Young man: They only people I have to be afraid of are swallowers bigger and more powerful than me , not that some of them haven't satisfied my stomach .....

Suddenly the TV turns on again all by itself and the newsreport is back .

Newsreporter: .... Authorities believe it is only a matter of time until these swallowers are caught and will have to face justice for their actions .

Young Man: What the hell ?

The young man angrily grabs the remote and turns the TV back off .

Then the TV turns on again

Newsreporter: ....Justice will prevail.....

The young man turns off the TV again and then he rips the powercord out of it's plug .

Young Man: Well I guess that settles that .....

But much to the young man's distress the TV turns on again .

We see the newsreporter again but this time she looks directly at the young man .

Newsreporter: Wrong that settles nothing ......Nothing !

The TV suddenly turns off again .

Young Man : That ain't normal ....what's going on here .

Suddenly a voice eminates from behind the young man .....

Voice: Maybe I can answer that ......

The young man turns and he's simply stunned . Standing right there is none other than the Interviewer which he swallowed but a few weeks ago . He looks very different now though . Gone are his tidy office clothe now he's wearing heavy black leathers boots , black leather pants , a black shirt made of some sort of stretchy material to reveal the interviewers considerable muscles and on top of that he's wearing a long black trench coat . His hair is no longer neat but spiked and his lips are black and most disturbing of all his pretty blue eyes seem to be coursing with power .

Young Man : You can't be alive , I swallowed you !

Interviewer : That you did . And you didn't even know my name . I was just a nameless piece of food to you wasn't I ?

Young Man: Well I ....

Interviewer : Silence ! My name .... was Mark.

Young Man: Well Mark... I did swallow and digest you and I enjoyed every minute of it . But you're supposed to be dead , I turned you into shit !

Mark: You turned my body into shit but not my spirit .

Young Man: I absorb the spirit of all those I eat , their powers become mine !

Mark: Well it seems to me that you just couldn't hold my spirit . There was some hidden power inside of me .....

Young Man: I have a hidden power , I have power . Maybe if you didn't stay down the first time I'll just have to swallow you again but this time I'm really going to make it unpleasant for you !

Mark: Be my guest !

The Young Man storms at Mark in an attempt to tackle him off his feet but as the young man connects he just bounces off , like he hit a brick wall .

Mark: What's the matter ? Bite of more than you can chew ? Hehehe !

The young man gets up on his feet and tries to punch Mark but Mark easily grabs his arm .

Mark: You're in way over your head boy ! I know all about you and your hidden power , your hidden fire inside of you .

Young Man: Let me go you're breaking my arm !

Mark: I could snap that arm like a twig but I have something different in mind for you !

Mark then kicks the young man who's thrown almost across the room .

Mark takes of his trenchcoat and throws it on the floor . Mark then slowly and confidently approaches the now almost cowering young man on the floor .

Mark: You think your little fire makes you powerful don't you ?

Young Man: Yes it does !

Mark: Well I've got news for you ....... I AM THE FIRE!!!!!!

Young Man: No that can't be .....

Then Mark suddenly makes a small gesture with his hand and all of the young man's clothe are instantly ripped off his body leaving him totally naked .

Mark: You fool , by swallowing me you released something more terrible and more powerful than you can possibly imagine !

Then Mark grabs the naked young man off the floor and tightly grabs him and pins him .

Mark: Now you're going to feel true power !!

The young man screams as Mark suddenly opens his mouth wider and wider and the young man is forced ever closer towards that awful opening . It starts with a kiss which then suddenly begins to on the face like a vacum pump . The Young man watches in horror as more and more of his head is pulled into Mark's mouth. The Young man desperatly tries to free himself but he's not match for the tight embrace by the incredibly powerful Mark .

Mark has now swallowed all of the young man's head . Since the young man is considerably shorter than Mark , Mark has it quite easy . He only needs to push down to force more of the screaming young man into his mouth . Already Mark is wrapping his lips tightly around the young man's shoulders . Mark really seems to be having considerably less difficulty with this move than one tends to hear about your common swallower .

Mark is now forcing his way down to the young man's nipples . He stops and begins to tease them sending shudders through his victim . We see from the outside that the part of the young man that's already been swallowed by Mark is wriggling as much as the tight throat allows . The young man is also bitching and screaming . We don't hear exactly what he's saying but it seems to be some kind of bitch about having power or something .

Mark then continues his way down the helpless young man until finally the young man's arms are completely pinned inside of Mark . Mark then releases his grip on the young man's body . Now we are being treated to an almost comical sight . We see an ass and two flailing legs hanging out of Mark's mouth . They're trying to kick Mark but they can't reach him because the young man was so much shorter . The young man seems to be trying to pull himself out of Mark but he's stuck where he is so all he can do is wriggle and bitch which is just what Mark wants .

Young Man(muffled): I'm going to eat you you prick , I'll own you .....

Mark just laughs ( as much as he can ) and gives the young man a friendly slap on his ass which really starts a bitching and a squirming . Mark then proceeds to bend down which automatically forces more of the young man into him . Inside of Mark the young man's head has now broken through into the stomach . He can't see anything as it is dark but he can certainly smell something . A horrible stench . The young man shudders at the thought that this might actually become his last resting place . The young man feels a great force pushing him from behind , he tries to resist but to no avail and so he's forced to curl up .

Mark really seems to be swallowing the young man with no effort at all forcing more and more of him down his throat and moe into his stomach where it all is being curled up into a neat helpless little package . Mark savours the last few moments as the young man legs are being sucked into his mouth . Now only the young man's feet are left outside of Mark's mouth wriggling . Inside the young man is trying to squirm but it doesn't do him much good .

Mark then looks at what's already in his stomach and gives his stomach a good whack which really angers his meal inside .

Young Man: Damn you , you can't do this to me .....

Mark then slowly begins the process of swallowing the rest of his helpless meal . Inch by inch more of the squirming young man's body is being pushed down Mark's throat and into his stomach . Finally the young man's feet are being pushed passed the stomach sphincter and into the stomach . The sphincter closes and the young man is trapped inside .

Mark: So how did that feel for you ? Suddenlt you don't seem so powerful to me anymore .

Young Man : Damn you , I'll get you for this !

Mark: Oh yeah ? How will you do that ? You're in my stomach and you're my bitch now just waiting to be digested and absorbed into my body and unlike you I can actually keep all of my victim inside of me , forever . Oh yes did I fail to mention that I can no longer die ? Face it boy your mine now for all eternity .

Young Man: You ... I hate you ! Let me out !

The young man squirms like a madman .

Mark: Oh yes and I also forgot to mention that I have perfect cotrol over my bod functions . I could keep you alive and squirming in there for days or I could just snuff you out in a second and then digest you .

The young man's squirming intensifies .

Mark: Shit yeah that's .... aah yeah that feels good . You don't mind if I use your couch for a minute do you ?

Young Man: Fuck you.....

Mark: Ah shut up and squirm !

Mark lies down on the couch and pulls off his pants and underwear . He then grabs his rock hard dick ( thank god some things never change) and begins to jerk off . Soon Mark cums , much harder than a normal person would .

Mark: Oh yeah man that rocks ! You were great .

Young Man: Let me out you fuck !

Mark: Oh I think you'll find that I'm quite a well mannered person . For one thing I actually care what your name is .

Young Man: None of your damn business !

Mark: Why not tell me ? Once I've digested you I'll know anyway .

The Young Man: You'll have to wait until then you asshole !

Mark: Huh eats numerous people and yet he's still such an unfriendly chap .... hahaha !

The Young Man: That's not funny !

Mark: You know what's funny ?

Mark then begins to lightly squeeze his stomach muscles which constantly crushes the young man who yelps in pain everytime . Mark plays this game for about 10 minutes .

Mark: My that was fun !

Young Man: Die !

Mark: I wonder if you would have something to drink around here ....

Mark sees a fridge and walks toward it . He opens it and finds a pepsi can which he drinks rather quickly causing his victim to bitch and squirm .

Mark: Now you know what all of your victims felt like .

Young man: OK I learned my lesson , now please let me go . I'll do anything ....

Mark : Oh no you haven't learned your lesson at all . You haven't experienced the best part yet . I believe in prison they call it "lights out" and since you are in a prison that term is quite appropriate I would say .

Young Man: On no don't you dare .......

Mark: Lights out boy......

Mark then tightens his stomach muscles which panics his meal inside of him into a squirming frenzy . Then Mark releases a gigantic belch instantly causing his stomach to collapse around the young man .

The young man is forced into an ever tightening ball as his air is starting to run out and his strength is slowly fading with each passing second . He tries to scream for help but his cries become fainter and fainter with every second . Then finally Mark feels the young man relax , he's passed out for good .

Mark pats his stomach

Mark: Ah yes I can see why swallowers like this so much , I'll have to try this again soon , very soon .

The End

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